The particular insight that the Holy Spirit granted to Mother Clotilde and on which she focused her spirituality, was an experience of God’s boundless and compassionate love for humanity. For the Mother this love is expressed in the incarnation of the HEART of the Son of God.

Mother Clotilde said that as Little Missionaries we are called to find in the Heart of Jesus “the source of our work so as to become people of the heart, to make Christ the HEART of the world. Alone we can do nothing for this we must believe that we are loved by the Father, believe that we are called to “feel” with the Heart of Christ and to give our lives for our brothers and sisters, believe that the Holy Spirit gives strength and guides us”. The Little Missionaries are called to be “humble Apostles of Incarnate Love who gave himself to the Father in perfect obedience, and to the brothers in perfect Charity”. (Circ. n. 154).

She urged the sisters to be “a living and faithful image of Christ Jesus who, incarnating among men, presented himself in the guise of HUMILITY and MEEKNESS”. For this reason, “humility and meekness must inspire the style, way of life and work of the Institute. (from “Guide to well know…”).

The Little Missionary of the Sacred Heart then:

  1. It starts from the heart to arrive at the Heart of Jesus working with the heart in the hand;
  2. Following the example of a person of the Heart, he revives a heartless world
  3. Form one heart and one soul with the Heart of Jesus, sacrificing His love to Him in order to give the Heart of Jesus to her brothers and sisters.
  4. He is not afraid to let the small seed of his heart rot so that the universal Heart of the Risen Christ may sprout.
  5. In His little heart beats the great Heart to MAKE CHRIST THE HEART OF THE WORLD.


As Little Missionaries we look “at the mystery of the INCARNATION through which Jesus Christ becomes MAN, manifestation and realization of the promise made by God in His love for humanity and lived it becoming one with the HEART of Jesus”.


As Little Missionaries we live in Community with the desire to “share the faith, to put everything in common… and with one heart… praise God” (Cfr. Acts 4:44-46), as we work for the building up of the Kingdom of God in every part where we are called to dwell.